Tasarı Educational Institutions took the first step towards becoming a pioneer of education in Turkey by being established in 1984. From past to present, it has achieved great success in achieving the goals of high school, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate students.

It is a unique educational institution which constitutes Turkey’s most successful YÖS course program and continues its education with increasing success rate up to day. In order to be the pioneer of development and change, corporate identity, which constantly updates the education system and always wants more in success, has been the biggest criterion for success.

In order to meet the interest and intense demand for the Tasarı Educational Institutions, branches have been opened in different provinces and districts and a training network consisting of 12 branches has been established in 3 big cities. Tasarı Educational Institutions, which has branches in Big cities such as İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, Bursa, Antalya, every year, makes nearly 2000 high school graduates get into the most distinguished universities in Turkey through the Foreign Students Exam. Every year, quotas of 75% of the universities which are branded in terms of education and add value to their students such as Boğaziçi University, Middle East Technical University, İstanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University, Marmara University, Ege University, and Dokuz Eylül University are filled by Tasarı Academy students.

The Tasarı Educational Institutions has proved more than a hundred winners in the Foreign Students Examination in the last 10 years and has proved that success is not a coincidence and that it has a big share in the success of its students. Adopting the slogan “Tasarı is the place to go if the target is success” in all areas, it has easily overcome every obstacle in order to achieve success in education. Leaving stereotypes in the education of students, it has set an example for many educational institutions both in terms of management and education with its structure that adapts to today’s conditions, uses the opportunities of technology, and adapts to the demands and expectations of the new generation.

With 36 years of experience, Tasarı Educational Institutions continue to lead their students in achieving their future goals by gaining a deep-rooted corporate identity and gaining appreciation in terms of education in every environment.