Tasari Academy is the first ALES course opened in Turkey. Thanks for its experience that was building from 1997, the academy has always been a leading institution in ALES preparation.
Our students never use notebooks during the lessons, they will not copywrite what is written on the board. They will have ready-made notebooks with notes, where the questions are divided into certain topics. Thanks to this our students don`t waste their time and also there is an ability to solve more math questions.
Tasarı ALES courses know that students have problems with the subjects they spend the most time on. For this reason, topics such as elementary algebra, which everyone knows, completed quickly. From the beginning to the end of the course, you will study certain topics such as geometry, digital logic by methodology.
Our courses are mainly attended by workers or students who are already studying in Universities. For this reason our program is consists of 185 hours. So, you will follow an intensive curriculum.
ALES is a fully time-limited exam. Therefore, candidates often need to practice on questions that require a lot of time. We achieve good results with our 185 hour of intensive program.
When taking the ALES exam, you need to know the shortcuts and tricks to overcome the time problem. You will be prepared by experienced teachers who know these tricks and have a good command of the ALES format and each of them has been preparing students for ALES for many years!
Additional education program at the basic math level for those whose math is weak or humanities graduates who will prepare for ALES.
The duration of your ALES training is 3 months. In total the time that students lost during writing questions on maths lessons in different courses amounts about 1 month. So our students never use simple notebooks during classes, do not copywrite what is written on the board. They will have ready-made notebooks with notes, where the questions are divided into certain topics. At the lessons they will not ask questions like: “Teacher, you completed quickly, I didn’t have time to write, can you repeat it?” In our lessons you will not hear such sentences. In addition, all ALES books are updated every year.
In the exam, questions of natural science and humanitarian questions differ in severity levels, and therefore our students will also be divided into areas. During the training they will have different programs in the chosen direction.
Tasarı Akademi is the only educational institution that conducts mock ALES exams throughout Turkey. Our exams are prepared by a team of 13 experts and are very close to the real ALES format in a 1:1 ratio. So you will get to know the real ALES format and be able to see your rivals all over Turkey.
In the process of preparing for ALES you will solve many questions in a short time. There will be a lot of questions in thematic books, in study guides, in samplers. There will also be a lot of questions in the homework section. If you have any questions, you can ask them to our teachers 6 days a week from 09.00 untill 17.30. They will help you right away.
One of the most important issues in the field of education is couching! Also this is the pain point of our education system. You will be taught by 4 different teachers according to their different methods. Through these programs, you will experience a disciplined process and success in which the goal is to make up the missing points in accordance with the results of your mock exam, determining the number and topics of questions that you need to solve daily.
- İsmet Kaptan Mah. Hürriyet Bulvarı Niyazi Ersoy İş Merkezi No:8 Kat:5 Çankaya/İzmir (Eski İtfaiye Durağı Yanı)